Πέμπτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Doctor Appointment and Co Sleeping

P goes to bed at 7 o clock everynight. We go to my room, he takes his bottle and we go to sleep together. Later i get up to clean, cook, take a shower, take P to his bed and go to bed myself. Sometimes i let him sleep with us the whole night and my only concern is to be careful not to squeeze him accidentaly in our sleep. But i must confess i enjoy co-sleeping with him as much as he enjoyes it. He feels safe, his sleep is uninterrupted and deep.

Yestarday we went to the doctor! Our pediatrician is wonderful! She is the one who helped me with breastfeeding and everything else, she supported me and encouraged me through the rough time i went through.
P was perfect at the doctor, he even tried to examine himself with the doctor's equipment. He is almost 9kg and 72cm. Yeiii!!!
I was hesitant to ask her opionion about co-sleeping but i did. Her reaction surprised me! She said 'what's more wonderful than that! the baby feels safe, and its good for his psychosocial development'. Many people judge me for co-sleeping with P but i decided not to talk about it with them. Its his dad's and my decision and i beileve that everyone should raise their children according to their beliefs and not be influenced by other people's opinions. My philosophy is to raise my baby according to his needs and wants, listen to him and respect him the way i want to be respected!
Cheers to happy babies!!!


Κυριακή 27 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Likes and Dislikes

I have just finished preparing P's meals for the next three days. Chicken, potato, carrot, celery, squash and kinoa! It tastes very good, i hope he likes it!

P loves:
- me of course! Im his favourite person in the world
- his books. they are his favourite toys, the only things that make him sit still for a while
- long walks with his stroller. he loves observing trees, people, dogs and cats.
- bananas! the first thing we got him to eat after 2 months of trying to feed him potato, carrots and squash.

He likes:
- chicken, beef with vegetables and lemon (he likes lemon for some reason)
- his other toys
- standing, crawling
- taking warm baths

He hates:
- getting dress after taking his bath
- sitting too long in the car seat, high chair, anywhere
- cereals  


Σάββατο 26 Οκτωβρίου 2013

New Friend

Today we went to the mall and IKEA! (its hard for me to write beacuse P is next to me pressing buttons on the keyboard. i think he wants to be a writer:)) We met with his aunt and uncle, we did some shopping at the mall and then we went to IKEA. P saw this doll and he LOVED IT!!! He hugged and smiled at his new friend and i knew we had to buy this cute baby in the green outfit! P enjoyed his day, he loves to go out and see new people and new colourful things! He got tired though and now he is grumpy! He will be in bed by 7! 
x x x